Augmented Intelligence and Interaction (AII) Workshop aims to bring together experts
in many sub-fields of AI, Human Computer Interaction (HCI),
and Robotics. In this workshop,
multidisciplinary experts can share their latest advance and pave the way toward
grounded applications mixing AI, HCI, and robotics.
我們邀請了3位Keynote Speakers以及18位Invited Speakers。演講領域包含電腦視覺、 機器學習、自然語言、語音辨識、機器人與人機介面。
12 : 00 PM - 1 : 00 PM
1 : 00 PM - 1 : 10 PM
Keynote Speech (I): Lawrence Carin
On Adversarial Deep Learning and Recent Trends in Machine Learning Research
1 : 10 PM - 1 : 50 PM
Keynote Speech (II): 賴尚宏
Object-Preserving Cross-Domain Image Translation for Adaptive Object Detection
1 : 51 PM - 2 : 16 PM
Invited Speech: 徐宏民
Approximating Human Perception via Multimodal Data Streams
2 : 17 PM - 2 : 29 PM
Invited Speech: 陳煥宗
Meta Learning of Figure-Ground Segmentation
2 : 30 PM - 2 : 42 PM
Invited Speech: 孫民
Searching for Distribution of Neural Architectures
2 : 43 PM - 2 : 55 PM
Invited Speech: 王鈺強
Decomposing DNNs for Visual Anlaysis
2 : 56 PM - 3 : 08 PM
Invited Speech: 朱宏國
Indoor Scene Understanding on 360° panoramas
3 : 09 PM - 3 : 21 PM
Invited Speech: 吳毅成
Strength Adjustment and Assessment for MCTS-Based Programs
3 : 22 PM - 3 : 34 PM
Invited Speech: 李政德
Network Representation Learning and Its Applications
3 : 35 PM - 3 : 47 PM
Invited Speech: 許永真
Commonsense Knowledge Graph for Abstractive Summarization
3 : 48 PM - 4 : 00 PM
Invited Speech: 楊奕軒
Machine learning for creative AI applications in music
4 : 01 PM - 4 : 13 PM
Invited Speech: 李濬屹
Exploration via Flow-Based Intrinsic Rewards
4 : 14 PM - 4 : 26 PM
Coffee Break
4 : 26 PM - 5 : 00 PM
Keynote Speech (III): 阮大成
AutoML: Who is Designing Your Neural Net?
5 : 00 PM - 5 : 25 PM
Invited Speech: 陳縕儂
Can Current Conversational Assistants Satisfy Users?
5 : 26 PM - 5 : 38 PM
Invited Speech: 李宏毅
Towards Unsupervised Speech Recognition
5 : 39 PM - 5 : 51 PM
Invited Speech: 曹昱
Task-oriented Speech Enhancement and Its Application to Assistive
5 : 52 PM - 6 : 04 PM
Invited Speech: 古倫維
On Manageable Visual Storytelling
6 : 05 PM - 6 : 17 PM
Invited Speech: 張永儒
Interacting with Intelligent Agents: Gaps in Interaction, Interpretation, and Expectations
6 : 18 PM - 6 : 30 PM
Invited Speech: 黃大源
Enhancing multimedia interactions with haptic feedback
6 : 31 PM - 6 : 43 PM
Invited Speech: 詹力韋
Context-Aware 360 Video Presentation
6 : 44 PM - 6 : 56 PM
Invited Speech: 鄭龍磻
Mismatching Realities
6 : 57 PM - 7 : 09 PM
7 : 10 PM ~
我們將邀請近期在CVPR、ICLR、NIPS、NAACL 與 AAAI 等頂尖會議發表的學生上台報告研究成果。 參加的學生、老師和業界夥伴進行Q&A後,由評審選出前三名並頒發獎狀。另外第一天的講者團隊學生 也將進行Poster Session與來賓交流。
9 : 00 AM - 9 : 30 AM
9 : 30 AM - 9 : 40 AM
9 : 40 AM - 11 : 50 PM
11 : 50 AM - 12 : 00 PM
針對有興趣念博士班、或正在念博士班學生所舉辦之座談分享會,我們將邀請廠商代表從業界角度跟參加 同學分享。分享Ph.D.在職場上被公司預期的能力,以及Ph.D在公司內的Career Ladder。
12 : 00 PM - 13 : 30 PM
Lawrence Carin has been a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Duke University for the past 22 years, and he has served as the vice provost for research at Duke for over three years. As an IEEE fellow, Lawrence is one of the most widely published machine learning researchers in the world: he’s coauthored over 350 papers affecting fields as diverse as bomb detection, neuroscience, and voting behavior.
Shang-Hong Lai has became a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University from 1999. Since the summer of 2018, Dr. Lai has been on leave to join Microsoft as a principal researcher in Microsoft AI R&D Center, Taiwan. Dr. Lai’s research interests are mainly focused on computer vision, image processing, and ML. He has authored more than 200 papers published in refereed international journals and conferences in these areas. In addition, he has been awarded around 30 patents on his researches on computer vision.
Da-Cheng received his Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and his Master’s from Machine Learning Department, both at Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests include machine learning and energy-efficient computing. Da-Cheng has published more than 15 papers in the related fields. Meanwhile, he also enjoys algorithmic programming and has won several awards from major programming contests. Currently, Da-Cheng is affiliated with Google Research, working on large-scale, semi-supervised learning and deep learning.
Alphabetical order by first name.
Alphabetical order by name.